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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Figliuolo, Bruno. "An Italian Letter from Damascus, 1472." Asian and African Studies: Journal of the Israel Oriental Society 22, 1-3 (1988): 289-291.
Notes: Volume title: The Medieval Levant: Studies in Memory of Eliyahu Ashtor (1914-1984), edited by B. Z. Kedar and A. L. Udovitch. Review see Bianquis.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Historiography//Places--Damascus
2. Figliuolo, Bruno. "New Evidence Relating to the Condition of Christians in the Holy Land towards the Middle of the Fifteenth Century." Mediterranean Historical Review 5, 1 (1990): 62-71.
Notes: Translated by Alex Borg.
Subjects: Historiography/Places--Palestine/Foreign relations



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